May 25, 2010


Banner By: Andrea
Title: Fluttering
Rating: PG-13
Author: Sxymami0909
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Chloe
Word Count: 1250
Song: “Butterflies” Sia from Borntobewild13

We've shared joy and we've shared pain

He was there when she got her first article published in the Daily Planet. It was a monumental day in the life of Chloe Sullivan. He’d taken her out to her favorite coffee shop in Downtown Metropolis, bought her two cups of coffee and a muffin.

They had reminisced about the old days working on The Torch together and when he reached over brushing his hand against hers, smile tugging at his lips, she felt a fluttering low in her stomach. But she ignored it.

He was dating her best friend and she had gotten over him a long time ago. Clark Kent was her best friend and nothing more. That ship had sailed a long time ago, but as she reached down, lifting her coffee to her lips she glanced at him.

As he looked at her she could see the pride and affection in his eyes and Chloe couldn’t deny the gentle quiver in her stomach. Warmth filled her smile and he returned it. He was always the first person to share in her joy and it made her feel important…loved.

He was there when she found her mother again after so many years. It was a heartbreaking day in the life of Chloe Sullivan. He’d taken them somewhere safe away from Lex and stayed with her mother while she talked to Oliver.

When she had finally managed to get back to Oliver’s clock tower apartment Moira was already slipping into oblivion. The tears had come as Chloe realized she was once again losing her mother. She had so much to tell her, but as always Clark had been there.

He’d told her mother all about the person she was and who she planned to become. He’d told her about the first time they met, working at The Torch together, her goals and accomplishments, Met U., and the Daily Planet.

As she kneeled in front of her mother, her hands clasping Moira’s tightly, Clark had come up behind her placing large hands on her shoulders. And as the warmth from his strong hands seeped into her she felt a fluttering low in her stomach.

But she ignored it. He was mourning the loss of a relationship with her best friend and she was mourning the loss of her mother. Clark Kent was her best friend and nothing more.

That ship had sailed a long time ago, but as he whispered words of comfort in her ear, Chloe couldn’t deny the gentle tremble in her stomach. He was always the first person to share in her pain and it made her feel comforted…loved.

We've shared guilt and we've shared shame

He was there after she dug around his past to find information for Lionel Luthor. If she had known then what she knew now, Chloe would have never started working for Lionel in the first place.

Had her curiosity not gotten the better of her, he might have told her sooner instead of having to find out from Alicia. Clark had been livid, he’d yelled, said hurtful things, and threw her mistakes in her face.

She could still remember the pang in her heart when he all but ended their friendship. Guilt had overwhelmed her and so she threw his lies in his face. The truth about his relationship with Lana and how he’d betrayed their friendship first.

Shame had washed through him. They’d meant to tell her, but never got the chance. Chloe knew she’d hit a soft spot with Clark when guilt had flitted across his features and for a minute shame overtook her for throwing the blame on him for the choices she’d made.

The fight had lasted longer than she liked to admit, but in the end they made up like they always did. She’d sought him out one day and apologized. Clark’s came immediately after.

When he grinned that innocent grin of his and enveloped her into his arms, she felt a fluttering low in her stomach. But she ignored it. They were reuniting after weeks of estrangement. Clark Kent was her best friend and nothing more.

That ship had sailed a long time ago, but as he let out a loud belly laugh at something she’d said, Chloe couldn’t deny the gentle flicker in her stomach. He was always the first person to share in her guilt or her shame and it made her feel human…loved

We've bought into the stupid games

She was there when he came back from the Phantom Zone. It was a monumental day in the life of Clark Kent. He’d managed to make it back to earth and destroy Zod. She’d been milling about the Daily Planet and when he’d laid eyes on her she welcomed him home with open arms.

When she had thrown her body against his, he felt a fluttering low in his stomach. But he tried to ignore it. He wasn’t sure what their last moments had meant to her, but if she was willing he was ready to figure it out.

He hadn’t expected the lanky blonde boy by her side vying for her attention. And he hadn’t expected the grin that lit up her face, or the sparkle in her eyes that used to be solely for him. Chloe Sullivan was his best friend and apparently nothing more.

He hadn’t realized that ship had sailed a long time ago, but when she raised her eyebrow in the inquisitive way that she does, Clark couldn’t deny the gentle tremble in his stomach. Chloe had watched him pretending not to see the look of pain that briefly crossed his face before it was gone.

Clark Kent was her best friend and nothing more. That ship had sailed a long time ago, but when his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, Chloe couldn’t deny the gentle waver in her stomach.

And so they bought into the stupid games, hurt and the pain of rejection making each of them wait for the other to make the first move.

We've freed each other and we laid claim

Four years later he was there, standing before her in a church full of their family and closest friends. It had taken them years to work up the nerve to admit they weren’t just friends. They had never been just friends. He’d made mistakes, but so had she.

Everything they’d been through, they’d been through together. Break-ups and make-ups, job promotions, meteor abilities, alien experimentation, visitors from other planets, alien viruses, hate, anger, pain, regret, death, and finally love.

They’d traveled a long hard road to get where they stood today, but during the process something amazing happened. Chloe glanced into Clark’s eyes, smile as loving as she always remembered as he recited after the priest.

Everything they’d been through, everything they’d overcome had been worth it. They freed each other and now they were laying claim on each other’s minds, bodies, and souls.

He reached out brushing a strand of hair away from her face and when his skin brushed hers he felt a fluttering low in his stomach. He didn’t ignore it. Chloe Sullivan was his best friend, his confidant, and his lover.

She was everything to him. As the crowd around them clapped and he leaned in to brush his lips against hers he couldn’t deny the gentle quiver in his stomach. When soft lips met his, he grinned into the kiss. Oh, yeah, the butterflies were still there.


  1. Woman this why I love you! sooo beautiful sniff! just perfect C... perfect.


  2. I think you made a great work with this story :), you showed all the points where they didn't go forward and then gave us the perfect ending!!

    Thank you and I hope you write more, be well.

  3. Beautiful and exactly how I imagined Chlark to be.

  4. Read it before, it was even more beautiful and painful with the brilliantly gorgeous banner. :)

  5. Really beautiful =D You have me in tears.


Feedback is always appreciated! :)